A soft starter is another form of reduced voltage starter for A.C. induction motors. The soft starter is similar to a primary resistance or primary reactance starter in that it is in series with the supply to the motor. (Three wire or standard connection) The current into the starter equals the current out. The soft starter employs solid state devices to control the current flow and therefore the voltage applied to the motor. In theory, soft starters can be connected in series with the line voltage applied to the motor, or can be connected inside the delta loop of a delta connected motor, controlling the voltage applied to each winding. (Six wire or Inside Delta connection)
Voltage control is achieved by means of solid state A.C. switches in series with one or more phases. These switches comprise either:
1 x Triac per phase | ![]() |
1 x SCR and 1 x Diode reverse parallel connected per phase. | ![]() |
2 x SCRs reverse parallel connected per phase. | ![]() |
These Solid State Switches are phase controlled in a similar manner to a light dimmer, in that they are turned on for a part of each cycle. The average voltage is controlled by varying the conduction angle of the switches. Increasing the conduction angle will increase the average output voltage. Controlling the average output voltage by means of solid state switches has a number of advantages, one of the major advantages being the vast improvement in efficiency relative to the primary resistance starter, due to the low on state voltage of the solid state switches. Typically, the power dissipation in the starter, during start, will be less than 1% of the power dissipated in a primary resistance starter during start. Another major advantage of the solid state starter is that the average voltage can be easily altered to suit the required starting conditions. By variation of the conduction angle, the output voltage can be increased or reduced, and this can be achieved automatically by the control electronics. The control electronics can be preprogrammed to provide a particular output voltage contour based on a timed sequence (open loop), or can dynamically control the output voltage to achieve an output profile based on measurements made of such characteristics as current and speed (closed loop).
The switching elements must be able to control the
current applied to the motor at line voltage. In order to maintain a high
level of reliability on a real industrial type supply, the switching elements
need to be rated at least 3 times the line voltage. On a 400 volt supply,
this means that the requirement is for 1200 Volt devices, and 600 Volt
devices on a 200 volt supply. It is also important that the switching
elements have a good transient current overload capacity.
1200 Volt triacs with good current transient overload characteristics
are not readily available, and so the choice is really between the SCR-Diode
and SCR-SCR. There are some triacs which are suitable for this operation,
but they are not easily attainable.
The major differences between the SCR-SCR and the SCR-Diode options are
price, and the harmonic content of the output voltage. The SCR-SCR method
provides a symmetrical output which is technically desirable from the
point of supply disturbances and harmonics, while the SCR-Diode method
is inferior technically, it is commercially more effective and easier
to implement.
Harmonics awareness and paranoia has drastically reduced the number of
SCR-Diode type soft starters on today's market, but they do still exist.
The technology is not always easily recognizable as such with terms such
as three pulse technology being used to describe SCR-Diode systems as
opposed to six pulse technology describing SCR-SCR systems.
The soft starter can be designed to control
one phase, reducing the torque but not the current on two phases, (SCR/Diode
can not be used in this connection)
or two phases reducing the torque but the current will not be optimally
reduced or balanced, there will be negative sequence currents heating
the rotor and reducing the torque per unit start current, (SCR/Diode can
not be used in this connection)
or three phases, reducing current and torque, providing the optimum results
for torque generated per unit of start current.
The SCRs used in soft starters dissipate heat while the starter is running because there is current through the SCRs and a voltage drop across them. Typically, the power dissipation is not high as there is usually only 1 - 1.5 volts across the ON state SCRs.
As ameans of reducing the heat dissipated, bypass contactors are connected across the SCRsshorting them out while the starter is running. These contactors are usually AC1 rated and are either internal or external.
It is important that the bypass contactors to not short out the current transformers as well.
Open Loop soft starters are soft starters producing a start
voltage profile which is independent of the current drawn, or the speed
of the motor. The start voltage profileis programmed to follow a predetermined contour against time. A very basic Timed Voltage Ramp (TVR) system operates
by applying an initial voltage to the motor, and causing this voltage
to slowly ramp up to full voltage. On basic systems, the initial start
voltage is not adjustable, but the ramp time is. Commonly the voltage
ramps time is referred to as the acceleration ramp time and is calibrated
in seconds. This is not an accurate description as it does not directly
control the acceleration of the motor. A lightly loaded motor can accelerate
to full speed even with a sixty second ramp selected. More correctly this
should be referred to as the voltage ramp time. On more comprehensive
units, the start voltage is pre-setable, typically from 10% to 70% of
full line voltage. This should be set to achieve at least breakaway torque
for the motor at start. There is little advantage in the motor sitting,
staining to start due to insufficient torque. this will only increase
the heat dissipated in the motor. The start voltage setting is often referred
to as the start torque setting and calibrated in percent. This is a nonsense,
as although increasing the start voltage is going to increase the starting
torque of the connected motor, the actual starting torque is a function
of both the start voltage and the motor design. The starter does not know
anything about the connected motor, and so is not able to deliver a prescribed
amount of torque under open loop conditions. The actual start torque produced
is initially equal to the LRT multiplied by the square of: (the start
voltage divided by the line voltage). The LRT of the motor could vary
from as low as 60% FLT to as high as 350% FLT which is a range of almost
6 to 1.
The Start Profile can be a simple single slope from
zero voltage to full voltage, or it can be a complex shape to more closely
emulate a controlled current start.
Like electromechanical starters, open loop soft starters cause the start
voltage applied to the motor, to change with time irrespective of the
motor and load conditions, eventually getting to full voltage, and under
jammed load conditions, developing LRC and LRT until something trips or
Closed Loop starters monitor an output characteristic
or effect from the starting action and dynamically modify the start voltage
profile to cause the desired response. The most common closed loop soft
starter is the controlled current soft starter where the current drawn
by the motor during start is monitored and controlled to give either a
constant current, or a current ramp soft start. A much rarer closed loop
format is the constant acceleration soft start where the motor speed is
monitored by a tachogenerator or shaft encoder and the voltage is controlled
to maintain a constant rate of acceleration or a linear increase in motor
The controlled current soft starters are available with varying levels
of sophistication. In the most basic systems, the soft starter is essentially
a standard TVR soft starter with a ramp freeze option where the current
on one phase is monitored and compared to a set point. If the current
exceeds the set point, the ramp is frozen until the current drops below
that set point. At the other end of the scale, a comprehensive closed
loop soft starter will monitor the current on all three phases and dynamically
change the output voltage to correct the start current to the required
profile. This system is able to both increase and reduce the start voltage
to suit the application.
A constant current starter will start initially at zero volts and rapidly
increase the output voltage until the required current is delivered to
the motor, and then adjust the output voltage while the motor is starting
until either full voltage is reached, or the motor overload protection
operates. Constant current starters are ideal for high inertia loads,
or loads where the starting torque requirements do not alter.
The current ramp soft starter operates in the same manner as the constant
current soft starter except that the current is ramped from an initial
start current to a current limit setting over a period of time. The initial
start current, current limit, and the ramp time are all user adjustable
settings and should be customize to suit the application. The current
ramp soft starter can be used for a number of advantages over constant
current in some applications. Machines which have a varying start torque
requirement, such as on load conveyers, or applications requiring a reduced
initial torque such as pumping applications, or genset applications where
the relatively slow application of current load will allow the genset
to track the load are examples of situation where the current ramp soft
start can be used to advantage.
Another form of closed loop starter is the torque control starter where
the starter models the motor under high slip and low slip conditions and
uses this mathematical model to calculate the shaft torque being produced
by the motor. This is then used as a feed back source with linear and
square law start torque curves being used to control the start voltage
applied to the motor. The true torque control starter is able to give
much better control of the acceleration of the motor being started.
To start a machine, the motor must develop sufficient
torque over the entire speed range to exceed the work and loss torque
of the driven load, and provide a surplus torque for accelerating the
machine to full speed. The starting torque delivered by the motor at any
speed, is equal to the full voltage starting torque at that speed, multiplied
by the current or voltage reduction squared. Provided the full voltage
speed/torque curves and the full voltage speed/current curves are available,
the reduced voltage (or current) speed/torque curves can be calculated.
This curve can be superimposed onto the load speed torque curve, and provided
the torque developed at all speeds exceeds the load torque, the motor
will accelerate to full speed. If the curves cross, the start current
(or voltage) will need to be increased to increase the start torque developed
by the motor. The difference between the torque developed and the load
torque is essentially the acceleration torque that will accelerate the
machine to full speed. A high acceleration torque may be desirable for
a high inertia machine in order to minimize the starting time.
With a controlled current soft starter, the voltage reduction reduces
as the motor impedance accelerates due to the rising motor impedance.
As the motor approaches full speed, the voltage rises quickly (against
speed) to full voltage. When the torque curve for a motor started by a
constant current starter is compared with that of a constant voltage starter
such as an auto transformer starter, it can be seen that there is an increase
in the torque as the motor accelerates with a constant current start.
This is ideal because as the motor and machine increase in speed, the
actual load on the motor shaft will increase also. This characteristic
will often enable a load to be started with a lower current on a soft
starter than traditional starter methods.
Soft starters can have soft stop included for no
extra cost.
Soft stop is the oposite to soft start. The voltage is gradually reduced,
reducing the torque capacity of the motor. The reduction of available
torque causes the motor to begin to stall when the shaft torque of the
motor is less than the torque that is required by the load. As the torque
is reduced, the speed of the load will reduce to the point where the load
torque equals the shaft torque.
Typically, the soft stop used is an open loop voltage ramp, but there
are some torque control soft stop systems that use torque feedback to
provide better control over the deceleration of the motor.
Open loop soft stop performance is very dependent on the characterisitcs
of the motor and driven load. On larger machines this can be very non
linear and provide poor performance.
Soft stope effectively adds inertia to the load and extends the braking
time. It should only be applied to installations where the stopping time
is too short and needs to be extended. Soft stop does not provide any
measure of braking.
DC Braking can be added to soft starters, but the
effectiveness is not as good as the braking that can be achieved with
a specialist DC brake circuit. DC braking is achieved by turning ON a
positive SCR on one phase and a negative SCR on a second phase for a small
angle of each cycle. This causes a high pulse of DC current to flow through
the motor windings and creates a stationary torque field in the stator.
The stationary torque field causes the motor to slow down. The short pulses
at line frequency also produce a synchronous component in the torque field
that can limit the effectiveness at close to synchronous speed. In some
cases, a shorting contactor is connected across a motor winding to prolong
the period of current flow and reduce the line frequency component.
DC braking is used to apply a braking torque to the motor and load and
to make it stop quicker. During DC braking, the energy of the driven load
is dissipated in the rotor of the motor.
Soft starters can be applied to many slip ring motors,
however there are some where the application of a soft starter will not
give satisfactory results.
Slip ring motors are often employed for their ability to produce a very
high torque across the entire speed range. The slip ring motor is able
to do this at a very low start current. Another reason for the application
of a slip ring motor is that it is able to offer a high degree of control.
If the slip ring motor is employed to give a very high start torque across
the entire speed range, then the soft starter is not going to provide
a satisfactory solution. This is because the application of a soft starter
or any other primary starter, is going to reduce the torque available.
Where the requirement is for a gentle start at reduced torque, the soft
starter is of benefit.
A common misconception is that the slip ring starter can be converted
to a cage type motor by shorting the slip rings and starting by the normal
methods. If the secondary winding is shorted, the slip ring motor will
exhibit a very high LRC (typically >1000%) and a very low LRT (typically
< 100%). If a reduced voltage starter is applied under these conditions,
the start torque will be very low and will not start a machine. To apply
a reduced voltage starter to a slip ring motor, first ascertain that a
reduced torque is going to start the machine, then fit resistors to the
rotor circuit which will give curves similar to a high start torque cage
motor. These resistors must then be bridged once the machine has reached
full speed. The value of the resistance is dependent on the motor and
the curve required, however the resistors must absorb a lot of energy,
dependent on the inertia of the load. It is common to use the final stage
resistance of the existing starter when available.
Soft Starter ratings are covered by IEC947-4-2 in much
the same way as contactors. There are two utilisation categories for soft
starters: AC53a and AC53b. AC53a applies to starters that are not bypassed
and AC53b ratings apply to starters that are bypassed during run. AC53a
rated starters have current passing through the SCRs all the time that
the starter is running. This generates heat and elevates the operating
temperature of the SCR junction. AC53b rated starters only pass current
through the SCRs during start and the period between starts is effectively
a cool down period for the SCRs. This can result in an increased rating
in some situations.
As the rating of the starter is essentially thermal, there is a strong
relationship between the start time, start current, start frequency, ambient
temperature, OFF time, and the rating of the starter. Typically, there
thermal inertia of the SCR Heatsink assembly is quite long so there is
not a large variation in the rating between say a 10 second rating and
a 30 second rating. - Semiconductor fuse curves do not follow the ratings
curves for soft starters and only offer Short Circuit protection.